Hair In Cantonese
Posted in Archive on July 28, 2022
"Hair" is the equivalent to 頭髮 inCantonese Chinese, and I’m pretty sure you’ve heard it many times before already. It’s also good to know, that 身體 means "Body" inCantonese Chinese, as well as "Head" is 頭.
My family arrived from Hong Kong in the 80s to run a takeaway in Wales. As a child, I loved the sights and sounds of the ...
Its natives were considered "barbarians" who "cut their hair and tattooed their bodies ... my father married my Cantonese mother, whose parents were born in Guangdong - it is no longer tenable ...
Apr 26, 2020 · Additional information about the word: barba,chevelure,lock,head of hair,hair,tress,mane,hai... [tau4 faat3]"HAIR" in Cantonese (頭髮) with examples from movies.
剪頭髮 - to cut hair; to get ahaircut 短頭髮 - short hair長頭髮 - long hair 留長頭髮 - to grow or has long hair 甩頭髮 - to lose hair 電頭髮 - give or have a permanent hair styling; permanent wave
a Cantonese actor with more than 40 years' stage experience, who plays Trump. "I will certainly portray Trump's special characteristics. I will wear a red tie and suit, with a blond hair wig and ...
Cantonese-English dictionary: 毛 ( mou / mou4 ) (English translation: "hair") asChinese character includingChinese characters, Jyutping, example sentenceand English meanings
At 7, I’d ask myself, “Why do I have black hair instead of blonde ... If my mom tried to speak Cantonese to me in public, using it as our secret code, I’d reply extra loudly in ...
My Cantonese is rusty since I've gone without speaking it extensively for a while. As my kids get get older I plan to teach them Cantonese and Mandarin along...
hair in Cantonese English-Cantonese dictionaryhair noun + grammar (countable) A pigmented keratinaceous growth that forms thin spiresand grows out from a follicle on the human head. +27 definitions translationshair add 毛en protein filament that grows from follicles found in the dermis, or skin; one of the defining characteristics of mammals.