Transes Hair Transplant

Jul 01, 2013  · Hair Transplant in turkey (transes) 04-07-2021 06:35 AM. by RenaldosEmpire. Last Post By justino0. yesterday 04:27 pm. Help please! 12-07-2021 09:32 pm. by FUEHT. Last Post By RahalHairTransplant. Yesterday 02:16 PM. …

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Sep 09, 2016  · I just received a hair transplant 15 days ago. I was classified as a Norwood 2 so 2003 hairs were transplanted and my question is did my doctor or the technicians not add enough follicles to the left area of my receding hairline or is this the result of loss of grafts from natural shedding after a hair transplant. If so, why is there a difference in density between the right and …

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