Modu Hair Salon Vancouver

Welcome toMòdú, a one-of-a-kindhair salon located right in the heart ofVancouver at 626 abbott street. “ALL” “EVERYONE” “EVERYTHING” “MODU” (모두) is a word in Korean that can signify all of the above. We chose this name because it evokes the kind of feeling and atmosphere we envision for our salon.

Laser Hair Removal Charges
Pinterest Short Hair

Modu Hair Salon - Vancouver BC. 626 Abbott St Vancouver BC V6B 6N7. BC-Vancouver . Merchant Current Date/Time: October 05 Tuesday 9:52 PM

Best Nose And Ear Hair Trimmer

If you are looking for a Koreanhairstyle, "Modu Hair Salon" is the way to go. Hiro is a master hairstylistand is very patient with your needs. Very professional,and the staff here are also very friendly. The customer service here is excellent.

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