Iroiro Hair Color
Posted in Archive on February 5, 2022
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Hair color. At-home hair dye kits include everything you need to safely color your own hair, including conditioning after-treatments to restore moisture and avoid breakage. If you have used bright colors like blue, purple, and hot pink recently, it's best to wait for these to wash or grow out before attempting to use a natural dye color.
ion color brilliance semi-permanent hair color is available in 10 radiant shades made with the ground-breaking intuitive colour system technology which combines two types of direct colorants to create luxurious, even color from root to end. This provides ultra rich and vibrant color with incredible shine.
iroiro hair colors are rich in vitamins and minerals, provide great conditioning and protection for all types of hair. Repairs and rejuvenate damaged hair. Our organic coconut oil brings out vibrant colors with silky and shiny result.
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