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May 08, 2017  · Thank you for being my biggest fan. You have found a way to make every school performance and sporting event that I am involved in, and you find a way to volunteer in everything you can. You were in the stands at every choir performance, solo contest, volleyball game and any other activity I was a part of, and I am forever grateful for that.

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The new congressional district map drawn in North Carolina, for instance, is designed to return 10 Republicans and four ...

A writer reflects on what students wear, and do not wear, during winter in Hanover. As my friend Lexi Francis ’25 and I brave ...

An unauthorized COVID-19 testing site in Dartmouth was ordered to shut down by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health ...

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Jan 16, 2019  · With a rare case of extremely precocious puberty, called familial male-limited precocious puberty, Patrick Burleigh was a 4-year-old trapped in a teenager’s body. “I was all of the things people are when they’re 14 or 15” — except a decade younger.

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Separable prefixes offer a large set of possibilities for the formation of new verbs. In general, these elements provide either a more precise, or a significantly different meaning of the modified verb. Thus they serve as the "verb complement" (see the page on German word order). English has an analogous, but less frequently applied concept. Consider, for example, what happens …

KATE, Duchess of Cambridge and prince william dazzled during a royal engagement on Thursday, despite fans of Meghan Markle ...

With experience in journalism, this incoming interventional fellow is passionate about increasing diversity in the field.

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