Hair Istanbul

Sapphire Hair Clinic is a prestigious hair clinic in Istanbul and one of the most reputable clinics in Turkey. As part of the medical park hospitals Group, it operates on the “healthcare for all” principle and focuses on adopting innovative practices, utilizing state-of-the-art technology, and providing patient-centered care.

Founded in 2010 by Dr. Ozan Balik, Bravo Hair Clinic aims to prove why it is accredited by the Turkish Ministry of Health as a top hair transplant istanbul destination. bravo hair Clinic is the ...

The BUK CLINIC is one of the leading Aesthetic and hair transplant clinics in Istanbul, Turkey. Find out more about their ...

Philocaly Hair Extensions

Smile Hair Clinic is a widely acclaimed hair clinic based in Istanbul, Turkey. The company was founded in 2018 by Dr. Gökay Bilgin and Dr. Mehmet Erdogan, who have devoted ...

Alternatives To Laser Hair Removal

Mexico city // KISS PR Brand Story PressWire // Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure used to treat permanent hair loss. Since its introduction in the United States in the late 1950s, hair ...

About Us. Hair of Istanbul was established in 2013 in Istanbul, it is a hair transplant center providing services globally. It is a brand that has made as mission to host its guests in the best way with its service quality of European standards and has professional staff of 75 people.

Natural Conditioner For Dry Hair

The award-winning Dr. serkan aygin clinic is your top choice for a hair transplant. Turkey and Istanbul welcome you for this life-changing, effective procedure.

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