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with short black hair and a slim build. He was wearing a grey hoodie with a black hood and sleeves, grey and black stone-washed jeans, and black sneakers. He also wore a black and white face mask ...

A list of cities with the highest car insurance in Ontario has been released, and brampton vehicle owners might be happy to know that the city is no longer at the top. A report from RATESDOTCA ...

Following a challenge by Brampton, Ont., Mayor Patrick Brown, Canadian cities are getting involved in a legal challenge to Quebec’s religious symbols law. Bill 21, An Act respecting the laicity ...

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She said he had moved recently to Dalton in Rotherham, having spent time before that living in Brampton, Rotherham. Paige, aged 20, is now trying to find a way to pay for her dad’s funeral.

With the help of RBC Royal Bank as well as other generous donations from our loyal viewers and listeners, the CP24 CHUM Christmas Wish in conjunction with toronto social services assisted hundreds ...

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NHS England’s current chair, Lord Prior of Brampton, a Conservative peer and former health minister, is to step down next year. Ministers want his successor to drive through reforms, oversee ...

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