Durham Hair Stylist Academy

DurhamWorks is here to help during these difficult times. We are available to offer you help and support by telephone/online rather than face to face.

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He thought, “what if I created a space where boys could get this kind of advice and where they will all teach one another by ...

Nov 15, 2021  · By Aramide Tinubu ·Updated November 12, 2021By the time Gordon Parks shot his first photograph for Life Magazine, his mother had died, racism had forced him out of his hometown of Fort Scott, Kansas, and he’d worked in brothels, as a singer, and as a professional basketball player. He was not yet 30 when he captured the infamous image titled “American …

Stylist to the stars Adee Phelan is one of the UKs most talented and well known hairdressers.Years of experience in cutting and teaching has ensured he has multiple awards and accolades under his belt.. Former Men’s British Hairdresser of the Year, four times finalist Men’s Hairdresser of the Year, two times Celebrity Hairdresser of the Year, Adee is the man behind …

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Durham now owns her own highly successful nail salon in the Chicago suburbs called Glitter Nail Salon—plus a certified Continuing Education training school called glitter nail academy—and uses ... I ...

Last week, one of my lecturers at Durham University held a Christmas Quiz. It was intended as a bit of light relief at the end of term, but predictably turned into yet another exercise in woke ...

celebrity hairstylist lee Stafford will be coming to the region for a special employers’ event and to officially open a new hairdressing academy named after him. east durham College will be ...

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