Diffuse Hair Loss

ALOPECIA can cause hair loss that is noticeable, so baldness or extreme thinning. There are two main patterns: diffuse hair loss and localised or patchy hair loss (alopecia areata). But the causes ...

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Hair. Texture, color, quantity, distribution, brittleness, diffuse hair loss, pattern thinning, patchy loss, and excessive hair in females should be noted. Observe for broken hair shafts ...

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Another form is diffuse hair loss, which is when the scalp starts to show through the hair all over the head, said Friese, who’s certified by BosleyMD, which sells hair regrowth products.

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Facial Hair Loss

Ferritin deficiency is one of the most common causes of hair loss we see in women of menstruating age. anabel said: “While ferritin deficiency can cause diffuse hair shedding (i.e. hair loss ...

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red plaque of the loss hair December 1989–April 1990 to now 8 weeks CR; no lymphoma up At 6 weeks regrowth of hair; at 4/1949/F scalp with pasty swelling and hair january 1990: diffuse scaling ...

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