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The actor said he once had to prove to a renowned doctor that he had not received a hair transplant. The doctor had said a surgeon had been telling other doctors that he gave McConaughey a transplant.

MONTREAL, Feb. 28, 2022 /CNW Telbec/ - lightspeed (nyse: lspd) (tsx: lspd), the one-stop commerce platform for merchants around the world to simplify, scale and create exceptional customer ...

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For Toronto’s Jade Turner, that adage proved true in the best possible way over the Thanksgiving weekend of 2020. First, she had dropped her mobile phone about 20 feet and, and by a stroke of ...

Renowned mountaineer Alex Lowe had reached the summit of his career by 1999, scaling some of the planet’s most challenging peaks. Just a few months after he …

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In fact, multiple options to treat hair loss exist, though some are more rigorously studied than others, and some are far more expensive than others. The best advice that can be given is to make s ...

Best Hair Transplant in Turkey: Hermest hair transplant clinic is specialized in top-notch Unique FUE hair transplant procedures. With the Unique fue hair transplant method, Hermest clinic has become ...

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Lindsey Stocker, a grade 11 student at a Montreal high school, was singled out for wearing shorts on May 21 She is seen wearing the shorts in pictures taken for the Montreal Gazette In front of ...

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